Stanford University's Challenge Success program presents "SAY WHAT? The Power of Communication in Raising Healthy, Engaged Kids," a one-night-only lecture featuring keynote speakers Madeline Levine, Ph.D.; Wendy Mogel, Ph.D.; and Denise Pope, Ph.D. The event will be held on Friday, November 2 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. at Stanford's Memorial Auditorium. Tickets are only $10 and are on sale now via the link below. From the event's press materials:
This week's Throwback Thursday post takes us to Yosemite National Park.
Throughout Stanbridge Academy's 36-year history, experiential learning has been a cornerstone of our program. A highlight for many of our senior classes is the overnight trip to Yosemite National Park—often a week-long excursion taken each fall. Along with building self-confidence and developing camaraderie amongst classmates and teachers, the trip allows students to explore one of the country's most majestic natural landmarks. As seen above, the group hike through the Ahwahnee Boulders is a rite of passage (pardon the pun) that also makes for a good photo op. This year's senior class will return from their week in Yosemite tomorrow, and we'll have plenty more pictures to share on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds from their trip, as well as photos from this week's other high school experiential excursions to NatureBridge and Angel Island. ![]() Mark your calendars: You are invited to join Stanbridge Academy at the annual Private School Fair on Friday, October 12. Held this year at Los Altos Christian Schools, the event's goal is the help families learn more about different school options in your community and decide which could be the best fit for your student and family. Stanbridge's Head of School, Julie Smith, and our Director of Admissions, Susan Coyne, will be in attendance, along with representatives from more than a dozen other local private schools. This is a great opportunity to discover the many different private school options available in the Bay Area—join us to learn more or simply stop by to say hello; the event is free--click here for more details and registration information. This week's Throwback Thursday post takes us back to January 2013 and the first Stanbridge experiential trip to Washington, D.C.
Partnering with the Close Up Foundation, Stanbridge high school juniors and seniors not only got to visit Washington, D.C. to witness President Barack Obama's second-term inauguration, they also spent time touring landmarks, seeing the sites, and connecting with other students from all over the country. From the Spring 2013 Stanbridge Quarterly Newsletter:
This biennial experiential trip has become a tradition here at Stanbridge; this year's excursion will mark the fourth time we'll be partnering with Close Up to take our students to the nation's capital. More highlights from previous trips to come as we kickoff this year's fall experientials next week. And don't forget that the first informational meeting for this spring's D.C. trip is tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. in Hayden Hall (see post below). ![]() Attention Parents and Guardians of Stanbridge 11th- and 12th-graders: There will be an informational meeting this Friday, September 21, at 8:30 a.m. in Hayden Hall regarding the spring trip to Washington D.C. Phoebe Hunt, our representative, will be presenting. Please note the change in date—the flier shared on Back to School Night was printed with an error. Please RSVP via email to Matt Poynter, or contact him if you have any questions. This year's D.C. trip is scheduled for March 31 through April 5, 2019. ![]() Our Bulldog Broadcasters are back, bringing you news and updates from the Stanbridge campus and beyond. The 2018–2019 season of Stanbridge Student News launched today, with the first new episode of the school year posted online. Stanbridge families can access the link via our password-protected Parent Portal. This season's premiere features introductions to the new SSN broadcast team, an interview with new Stanbridge high school history teacher Derek O'Donoghue, a recap of the recent handball clinic, highlights from the high school division's Back to School pool party, and important upcoming dates and events. A staple of our high school's broadcasting class, Stanbridge Student News is written, filmed, and produced by Stanbridge students; look for new episodes to be posted on the Parent Portal about every two weeks. And, as always, "Stay strong, Bulldogs!" ![]() The first Common Ground Speaker Series event of the new school year is scheduled for next week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, September 25 & 26, Vicki Hoefle will present "Duct Tape Parenting: Step Back So Kids Can Step Up" at three different Bay Area venues. Click here for more details on times and locations, and for the full roster of this year's Common Ground speakers. Stanbridge Academy is proud to be associated with the Common Ground Speaker Series. Each school year, series presents distinguished speakers in education, parenting, and health at venues across the San Francisco Peninsula. Parents, faculty and staff of member schools attend Common Ground events free of charge. Guests not affiliated with a member school may attend for a $20 fee at the door. Attention South Bay families! Bay Area Parent's Education and Open House Fair is the area's largest exhibit of private schools and education services where you can meet representatives, administrators, directors, and enrichment teachers, and gather information about your child's education needs. The event will be held this Saturday, September 15, from 10:00 am. to 3:00 p.m. at the Westgate Center in San Jose, where your family will have the opportunity to visit and speak with many schools in one location about their open house dates. Dozens of schools and services attend our event every year.
If you're in the neighborhood, stop by and say hello to Susan and Linda, who will be representing Stanbridge at our booth. And share this information with any of your friends and neighbors who live in the area who might be thinking about Stanbridge for their student. Click here for more information |
January 2023