Dear Stanbridge Community,
This week our Ninth graders went on the first experiential trip of the year! It's always very exciting to see our students leave and come back from these trips. (See this week's collage post for select pictures.) The students come back a little more self-assured, much closer to each other and the staff that accompanies them. This trip to Camp SEA Lab in Aptos gave our students a taste of marine research and the ocean ecosystem – they even participated in a sandcrab counting study. Experiential trips are essential because they allow our students to learn outside of the classroom, seeing the world outside themselves. Experientials are unique to Stanbridge, both for the individualization of their 'outdoors' curriculum and because it is part of the students' overall school experience. For Eighth grade parents wondering if your child will go on this or other experientials in High School, we will be holding a special session for our families to talk about High School at Stanbridge. In fact, we will be holding several open houses over the next few months welcoming current and prospective families alike. Stanbridge families are welcome to attend the sessions that relate to their children's needs. Admissions Open Houses are being held at 9:00 am on the following Fall Tuesdays:
Have a great weekend! Stay Strong, Bulldogs! – Danny Martin, Principal Comments are closed.
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