ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL (Lemon & Nurse groups) Our Elementary and Middle School Physical Education classes continue to do an amazing job! Our Elementary classes have done such an incredible job of playing together as a team and showing great Sportsmanship. We have focused heavily on working with supporting each other and being great teammates. Playing lots of various scooter, dodgeball, tag, and exercise-based games, I have seen such an improvement with their hand-eye coordination, proprioception, flexibility, agility, and stamina. Our Middle Schoolers have been playing lots of sport-based games such as baseball, soccer, sockey (a combination of hockey and soccer), bowling, and golf to focus on learning various game rules, but also full body coordination and teamwork skills. We are seeing lots of great sharing, respecting others and ourselves, and looking out for our friends. It's been an awesome quarter! I look forward to continue seeing our students thrive in PE. – Coach Gage Daniel, Co-Athletic Director, K–8 Physical Education; Health MIDDLE (Hammerhead & Tiger groups) & HIGH SCHOOL Our Middle School and High School classes have been doing great in Physical Education this Winter! This quarter we have participated in some new activities, as well as some of the activities from the Fall quarter. The new activities implemented this quarter have been baseball, jousting, basketball, football, and sockey (a combination of hockey and soccer). We still have circuit training, running the mile, and dodgeball games. Physical Education can help students improve their grades and standardized test scores, stay on-task in the classroom, develop confidence and self-efficacy, and develop critical thinking skills. Stanbridge PhysEd also follows the 4R's of Respecting the equipment, each other, the teacher, and yourself. We are seeing empathy grow towards peers which comes from teamwork, trust, and sportsmanship during activities. Lastly, in Health, students are realizing that living healthier lifestyles now, when they are young, can build positive habits and benefit them when they are adults. – Coach Daniel Quinal, Co-Athletic Director, 6-12 Physical Education; Health Comments are closed.
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