In light of the widespread power outages that are planned throughout the Bay Area, Stanbridge has decided to cancel the College & Career Fair on Wednesday, October 9. Our presenters come from all over the area, and we do not want to put anyone in danger getting on the roads Wednesday.
UPDATE: The event has been rescheduled for Thursday, Nov. 21 from 1:00–3:00 p.m. Click here for more information and to RSVP. To mitigate the potential spread of wildfires in the area, PG&E will be implementing preemptive power shutoffs in various communities throughout the Bay Area starting overnight and continuing through the next few days. You can use PG&E's online map to find out if your home will be affected by these blackouts. As of Tuesday evening, Stanbridge Academy's campus has not been flagged for a potential outage; school will be open as scheduled throughout the week unless we are alerted otherwise. In the event that our power is shut off during a school day, we have sufficient backup to complete the day as scheduled; we will not dismiss students midday. Should we be without power for an extended period of time, we will immediately alert all families and provide details on the schedule going forward. Based on the current PG&E outage map, it seems that a number of our families will potentially be affected by these upcoming outages and we encourage everyone to be prepared and cautious. A list of tips and resources on how to prepare for an extended outage are listed here, as well as various other online sites. Please inform us to the best of your ability if these blackouts will impact you or your student by emailing or calling the main office and/or your student's homeroom teacher/advisor. We understand the significant ripple effects that losing power can cause—particularly for extended periods of time—and urge you to use common sense and prioritize safety first. If you have any questions or concerns about your student missing school this week due to the PG&E outages, please don't hesitate to contact us. ![]() NOTE: This event was originally scheduled for Oct. 9. It has been rescheduled for Thursday, Nov. 21 from 1:00–3:00 p.m. The Annual Stanbridge Academy College & Career Fair will be held on campus Thursday, November 21, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. This event will feature information about postsecondary educational, residential, social, and employment programs for individuals with autism or learning and intellectual differences. Representatives from these programs will table and briefly present about the services and supports their programs provide. Some programs scheduled to attend include: CSU East Bay-Hayward; Notre Dame de Namur University; St. Mary’s College; Moraga, College of San Mateo; College Internship Program; Meristem; and more. This event is free and open to students and young adults with special needs, parents and professionals. Non-Stanbridge affiliates must RSVP in advance (link below). All non-Stanbridge audience members under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. A detailed event schedule is below. Please note that there will be 30 minutes (from 1:00-1:30) at the start of the fair when students will not be present and parents and adults can dialog directly with program representatives. Stanbridge Academy College and Career Fair When: Thursday, November 21, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Where: Stanbridge Academy, 515 East Poplar Avenue, San Mateo Presenters: Program representatives from educational, residential, social and employment programs for adults with learning and/or intellectual differences. Audience: Parents, professionals, and community members; Middle School and High School Students; and young adults with intellectual or learning differences. Cost: Free! Click here to RSVP College and Career Fair - Event Schedule 1:00 p.m.: Fair opens 1:00–1:30: Tabling, dialog with program reps (exclusively for parents and professionals) 1:30–2:20: Program Presentations to full audience (3–4 minutes each) 2:20–3:00: Tabling, dialog with program reps (for parents/adults and students) 3:00 p.m.: Closing ![]() For the past ten years, the Children's Health Council (CHC) has sponsored the EdRev Expo at Oracle (formerly AT&T) Park—an annual event designed for parents, educators, and other professionals who work with students with learning and attention issues. EdRev offers a unique focus on the one-in-five students living with learning and attention differences, and features workshops and resources for students and parents, as well as live music, interactive exhibits, and fun at the ballpark. This year's EdRev Expo will be held on Saturday, May 4, and Stanbridge will once again have a table in the exhibit hall with a number of our faculty and administrative staff on-hand—stop by and say hello! We encourage all Stanbridge families to come and spend part of your morning or afternoon at this unique and informative event. Registration is free; click here for more information. ![]() The Common Ground Speaker Series concludes the 2018–2019 season next week, with Dr. Michael Rich and Manoush Zomorodi presenting "Screensmart: Best Practices for Healthy Families" on Tuesday and Wednesday at three different venues in the Peninsula/South Bay area. The two will facilitate conversations about digital media and its impact, both positive and negative, on children and teens. They will offer research-based answers to questions about media use in the home and its impact on family health and child development. Rich, widely known as "The Mediatrician," is one of the nation’s top experts on children and media. Rich is the Founder and Director of the Center on Media and Child Health as well as a pediatrician, researcher, father and media aficionado. Zomorodi is co-founder of Stable Genius Productions, a media company with a mission to help people navigate personal and global change. Investigating how technology is transforming humanity is Zomorodi’s passion and expertise. Their presentation next week is the final installment of this year's Common Ground Speaker Series. Click here for more details on times and locations of next week's presentation, and for the full roster of this year's Common Ground speakers. Stanbridge Academy is proud to be associated with the Common Ground Speaker Series. Each school year, the series presents distinguished speakers in education, parenting, and health at venues across the San Francisco Peninsula. Parents, faculty and staff of member schools attend Common Ground events free of charge. Guests not affiliated with a member school may attend for a $20 fee at the door. ![]() This Common Ground Speaker Series continues this week, with Justine Fonte presenting "Changing Bodies, Changing Times" on Tuesday and Wednesday at three different venues in the South Bay/San José area. Fonte, a leading sexuality educator and social justice activist, will explore the skills children and teens need to develop healthy relationships in today’s world. Her practical advice on raising today’s digitally-connected kids will include the changing dynamics of love, desire, and consent, as well as the importance of talking frankly with our kids about the psychological and social impact of pornography. Fonte will be presenting two different versions of her presentation: "Sex Ed 101" for parents of Pre-K students and older (Wednesday morning); and "Sex Ed in the Digital Age" for parents of preteens and teens (Tuesday and Wednesday evenings). Click here for more details on times and locations of this week's presentation, and for the full roster of this year's Common Ground speakers. Stanbridge Academy is proud to be associated with the Common Ground Speaker Series. Each school year, the series presents distinguished speakers in education, parenting, and health at venues across the San Francisco Peninsula. Parents, faculty and staff of member schools attend Common Ground events free of charge. Guests not affiliated with a member school may attend for a $20 fee at the door. Attention high school students and parents: Did the College & Career Fair in November get you thinking about next steps after graduation? Are you wondering how to make the transition from Stanbridge to college or into the workforce? Curious about university life, what college classes are like, or how it feels to live away from home and on your own? Then join us on Thursday, January 10 for the annual Stanbridge Alumni Panel, where you'll hear stories from Stanbridge graduates who have successfully made their postsecondary transitions. The panel features Stanbridge alumni who are currently in college, recent college graduates, and those who are working in various career fields. Come listen to their experiences, get advice, and have your questions answered by former Stanbridge students who have been in your shoes. The event is free and will be held from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. on campus in the Marilyn Center. RSVP by contacting the main office, or click here to email Colleen McQuade, our Director of College Counseling & Transitions.
Attention all High School families: The Community for Special Education and the SFUSD Office of Counseling & Post-Secondary Success present the 2019 College and Career Fair for Students with Learning Supports. The event will be held on Saturday, February 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at City College of San Francisco's Multi-Use Building (MUB). In addition to the keynote speaker—Dr. Lauren Lindstrom, Dean of the UC Davis School of Education—Stanbridge Academy's own Director of College Counseling & Transitions, Colleen McQuade, will be presenting, along with numerous other college and career representatives. More details highlighted on the flyer below. Admission is free; click here to register in advance.
![]() Attention Stanbridge families: You are invited to a special free screening of the film Intelligent Lives by filmmaker Dan Habib in celebration of Inclusive Schools Week. Intelligent Lives stars three pioneering young American adults with intellectual disabilities—Michah, Naieer, and Naomie—who challenge perceptions of intelligence as they navigate high school, college, and the workforce. A post-film discussion with director Dan Habib and a panel of young adults with disabilities will follow the screening. Where: Mission High School (3750 18th Street, San Francisco) When: Wednesday, December 12 Reception: 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Film Screening: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Cost: FREE! (Registration required–click for tickets)
This event is sponsored by:
![]() A final reminder that today is your last chance to see two subject matter experts presenting on their topics of expertise. This afternoon, attorney David Tollner presents his "Top Ten Strategies for Getting the Most from Your IEP." The presentation will focus on the keys to a successful IEP, how to approach it, what to say and not say, and what to do before and after to maximize the supports and services for your child. It is a helpful discussion for any parent with a child on an IEP, and particularly those parents who are not happy with what the district is giving their child. This is the first of Stanbridge Academy's Expert Share Speaker Series presentations this year, and will be held here on the Stanbridge campus beginning at 1:00 p.m., running until approximately 3:00. This is a free event and open to the public; click here for more details and to RSVP. Later this evening, Carl Honoré will present "Don't Hurry, Be Happy: Parenting in a Fast-Paced World" as part of this year's Common Ground Speaker Series. Tonight is the final opportunity to see this presentation; the event will be held at Crystal Springs Uplands School in Hillsborough starting at 7:00 p.m. See post below for more information on tonight's speaker, and click here for details on all of this year's Common Ground presenters. ![]() This year's Common Ground Speaker Series continues this week, with Carl Honoré presenting "Don't Hurry, Be Happy: Parenting in a Fast-Paced World" on Tuesday and Wednesday at three different venues in the South Bay/San José area. Honoré is an award-winning author, broadcaster, and TED speaker who travels the world teaching individuals and organizations that the best way to power forward in today’s hypercompetitive, hurry-hurry world is often the radical act of willful deceleration. Click here for more details on times and locations of this week's presentation, and for the full roster of this year's Common Ground speakers. Stanbridge Academy is proud to be associated with the Common Ground Speaker Series. Each school year, the series presents distinguished speakers in education, parenting, and health at venues across the San Francisco Peninsula. Parents, faculty and staff of member schools attend Common Ground events free of charge. Guests not affiliated with a member school may attend for a $20 fee at the door. ![]() Just a reminder that next Wednesday, October 24, Stanbridge Academy will be hosting our first Expert Share Speaker Series event of the school year. Attorney David Tollner will be on campus to present his "Top Ten Strategies for Getting the Most from Your IEP." The presentation will focus on the keys to a successful IEP, how to approach it, what to say and not say, and what to do before and after to maximize the supports and services for your child. It is a helpful discussion for any parent with a child on an IEP, and particularly those parents who are not happy with what the district is giving their child. The event is free and open to the public--click here for complete details and to RSVP. ![]() October is ADHD Awareness Month and next week, The Children's Health Council (CHC) will host two community education sessions located at CHC-Palo Alto. Attend these sessions to learn more about effective interventions, strategies to support your child, managing symptoms, as well as guidelines for when and how to seek additional support. Click the links below for event details and registration: Tuesday, October 9 ADHD & Learning Differences: Are They Related? What is the relationship between ADHD and learning differences? ADHD and learning differences can often occur together. How can you effectively support a child that experiences both learning and attention issues? How do you know what issues you should pay attention to? Attend this session to learn more about effective interventions and strategies to support your child with learning and attention issues. Presented by Jacqueline Nguyen, Psy.D., Psychologist at CHC ,and Nick Ratcliff, Instructional Coach at Sand Hill School Thursday, October 11 Practical Research-Based Parenting Strategies for Supporting Children and Teens with ADHD Presented by David Anderson, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Sr. Director ADHD and Behavioral Disorders Center, Director of Programs at Child Mind Institute, NY; and Glen Elliott, PhD, MD, Chief Psychiatrist and Medical Director at CHC. Stanford University's Challenge Success program presents "SAY WHAT? The Power of Communication in Raising Healthy, Engaged Kids," a one-night-only lecture featuring keynote speakers Madeline Levine, Ph.D.; Wendy Mogel, Ph.D.; and Denise Pope, Ph.D. The event will be held on Friday, November 2 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. at Stanford's Memorial Auditorium. Tickets are only $10 and are on sale now via the link below. From the event's press materials:
![]() The first Common Ground Speaker Series event of the new school year is scheduled for next week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, September 25 & 26, Vicki Hoefle will present "Duct Tape Parenting: Step Back So Kids Can Step Up" at three different Bay Area venues. Click here for more details on times and locations, and for the full roster of this year's Common Ground speakers. Stanbridge Academy is proud to be associated with the Common Ground Speaker Series. Each school year, series presents distinguished speakers in education, parenting, and health at venues across the San Francisco Peninsula. Parents, faculty and staff of member schools attend Common Ground events free of charge. Guests not affiliated with a member school may attend for a $20 fee at the door. |
January 2023